Trail & Ultra FiT: Training and Tips for Running and Hiking
Chase Impossible: Run, Hike, Train
Training Plan for Day 12

Training Plan for Day 12

Rest Day

Goal: Recovery and preparation for the long run.


  1. Hydrate:

    • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

    • Aim for at least 8 glasses of water to stay well-hydrated.

  2. Eat Balanced Meals:

    • Focus on a mix of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates.

    • Include fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains in your meals.

  3. Gentle Stretching:

    • Do gentle stretching focusing on calves, hamstrings, quads, and hip flexors.

    • Stretch to enhance flexibility and relaxation.

    • Hold each stretch for 20-30 seconds, ensuring a gentle, comfortable stretch.

  4. Sleep:

    • Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep.

    • Create a restful environment to promote better sleep.

  5. Massage:

    • Use a foam roller or get a professional massage if possible.

    • Focus on relieving muscle soreness and improving circulation.

  6. Relaxation:

    • Engage in activities that help you relax and unwind.

    • Spend time with loved ones, read a book, or listen to your favorite music.


  • Embrace the rest day as a crucial part of your training.

  • Use this time to recharge and prepare for the upcoming long run.

  • Listen to your body and give it the care it needs to recover and grow stronger.

Enjoy your rest day, and remember, taking care of your body today will help you achieve your 50K goal! Happy resting!

"Chase Impossible" implies pushing yourself to go beyond your comfort zone, daring you to conquer challenging terrains and embark on treks that might seem unreachable at first glance. Chase impossible endurance and miles. Here, we celebrate the spirit of pushing boundaries, urging you to set audacious goals, explore nature, and climb those formidable peaks. Run, hike and train. Dive in to find inspiration, tips, and stories that prove the "impossible" is often more doable than you think!


Trail & Ultra FiT: Training and Tips for Running and Hiking
Chase Impossible: Run, Hike, Train
"Chase Impossible" implies pushing yourself to go beyond your comfort zone, daring you to conquer challenging terrains and embark on treks that might seem unreachable at first glance. Chase impossible endurance and miles. Here, we celebrate the spirit of pushing boundaries, urging you to set audacious goals, explore nature, and climb those formidable peaks. Run, hike and train. Dive in to find inspiration, tips, and stories that prove the "impossible" is often more doable than you think!