Trail & Ultra FiT: Training and Tips for Running and Hiking
Chase Impossible: Run, Hike, Train
Training Plan for Day 19

Training Plan for Day 19

Active Recovery


  • Promote muscle recovery

  • Reduce muscle stiffness

  • Improve flexibility


  • 20-45 minutes, depending on the activity chosen

Options for Active Recovery:

1. Gentle Stretching:

woman in gray long sleeve shirt and black pants sitting on wooden floor
Photo by Alex Shaw on Unsplash
  • Duration: 20-30 minutes

  • Routine:

    • Neck Stretch: Hold for 30 seconds per side

    • Shoulder Stretch: Hold for 30 seconds per arm

    • Triceps Stretch: Hold for 30 seconds per arm

    • Hamstring Stretch: Hold for 30 seconds per leg

    • Quad Stretch: Hold for 30 seconds per leg

    • Calf Stretch: Hold for 30 seconds per leg

    • Hip Flexor Stretch: Hold for 30 seconds per leg

    • Glute Stretch: Hold for 30 seconds per leg

    • Lower Back Stretch: Hold for 30 seconds

2. Leisurely Walk:

woman holding jacket walking on dirt road at daytime
Photo by Elastic Rat on Unsplash
  • Duration: 30-45 minutes

  • Pace: Comfortable, leisurely pace

  • Focus: Enjoy the scenery, maintain a relaxed pace, and breathe deeply

Hydration and Nutrition:

  • Before the activity: Drink a glass of water.

  • During the activity: Stay hydrated with water.

  • After the activity: Rehydrate with water or a light sports drink. Have a nutritious snack to aid recovery, such as a piece of fruit or a handful of nuts.

Recovery Tips:

  • Rest: Ensure you get adequate sleep to allow your muscles to repair.

  • Nutrition: Eat balanced meals with a good mix of proteins, carbs, and fats to support recovery.

  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels. If you’re experiencing significant soreness or discomfort, take it easy and consider more rest.

Active recovery is a key part of your marathon training, helping you stay flexible, reduce muscle tension, and prepare for the more intense workouts ahead. Enjoy your rest day and take care of your body!

Trail & Ultra FiT: Training and Tips for Running and Hiking
Chase Impossible: Run, Hike, Train
"Chase Impossible" implies pushing yourself to go beyond your comfort zone, daring you to conquer challenging terrains and embark on treks that might seem unreachable at first glance. Chase impossible endurance and miles. Here, we celebrate the spirit of pushing boundaries, urging you to set audacious goals, explore nature, and climb those formidable peaks. Run, hike and train. Dive in to find inspiration, tips, and stories that prove the "impossible" is often more doable than you think!