Trail & Ultra FiT: Training and Tips for Running and Hiking
Chase Impossible: Run, Hike, Train
Week 4 Plan for the 50K and Marathon Training

Week 4 Plan for the 50K and Marathon Training


  • Improve aerobic capacity

  • Increase endurance

  • Strengthen muscles to prevent injury

  • Incorporate cross-training to maintain overall fitness and reduce running strain

Weekly Schedule:

Day 22:
Workout: 1-hour easy run
Heart Rate: 65-70% HR
Details: Run at a comfortable pace for approximately 4-6 miles. Focus on relaxed breathing and maintaining a conversational pace.

Day 23:
Workout: 1 hour 15 minutes run with intervals
Heart Rate: 75-80% HR during intervals
Details: Start with an easy pace, then incorporate 5 minutes at 75-80% HR, followed by 3 minutes at the same intensity. Total distance approximately 6-8 miles.

Day 24 :
Workout: Cross-training
Details: Choose an activity like cycling, swimming, or elliptical training for 45 minutes. Keep the effort moderate to maintain cardiovascular fitness while giving your running muscles a break.

Day 25:
Workout: Strength training
Details: Focus on full-body strength exercises. Include squats, lunges, deadlifts, planks, and upper body exercises like push-ups and rows. Aim for 45 minutes.

Day 26 :
Workout: Rest or light yoga/stretching
Details: Give your body a rest or engage in gentle stretching or yoga to maintain flexibility and aid recovery.

Day 27:
Workout: 2-hour long run
Heart Rate: 70-75% HR
Details: Maintain a steady, conversational pace for approximately 12-14 miles. Focus on endurance and maintaining a consistent pace.

Day 28:
Workout: Cross-training or rest
Details: Choose a low-impact activity for 45-60 minutes, like swimming or cycling, or take a complete rest day if needed.

Trail & Ultra FiT: Training and Tips for Running and Hiking
Chase Impossible: Run, Hike, Train
"Chase Impossible" implies pushing yourself to go beyond your comfort zone, daring you to conquer challenging terrains and embark on treks that might seem unreachable at first glance. Chase impossible endurance and miles. Here, we celebrate the spirit of pushing boundaries, urging you to set audacious goals, explore nature, and climb those formidable peaks. Run, hike and train. Dive in to find inspiration, tips, and stories that prove the "impossible" is often more doable than you think!